Childrens Plastic Table And Chairs


  • Biologically, a child (plural: children) is generally a human between the stages of birth and puberty. The legal definition of “child” generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority.
  • Artwork with a dominant theme of adolescent motifs. For the children.
  • (in  children’s literature: Latin America; in  children’s literature: Russia/Soviet Union )


  • A synthetic material made from a wide range of organic polymers such as polyethylene, PVC, nylon, etc., that can be molded into shape while soft and then set into a rigid or slightly elastic form
  • Credit cards or other types of plastic card that can be used as money
  • generic name for certain synthetic or semisynthetic materials that can be molded or extruded into objects or films or filaments or used for making e.g. coatings and adhesives
  • fictile: capable of being molded or modeled (especially of earth or clay or other soft material); “plastic substances such as wax or clay”
  • capable of being influenced or formed; “the plastic minds of children”; “a pliant nature”


  • (chair) act or preside as chair, as of an academic department in a university; “She chaired the department for many years”
  • (chair) professorship: the position of professor; “he was awarded an endowed chair in economics”
  • A sedan chair
  • A separate seat for one person, typically with a back and four legs
  • The person in charge of a meeting or organization (used as a neutral alternative to chairman or chairwoman)
  • (chair) a seat for one person, with a support for the back; “he put his coat over the back of the chair and sat down”


  • a piece of furniture having a smooth flat top that is usually supported by one or more vertical legs; “it was a sturdy table”
  • a set of data arranged in rows and columns; “see table 1”
  • A piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface on which objects may be placed, and that can be used for such purposes as eating, writing, working, or playing games
  • A group seated at a table for a meal
  • Food provided in a restaurant or household
  • postpone: hold back to a later time; “let’s postpone the exam”

childrens plastic table and chairs

Adirondack Chairs in Sand

Adirondack Chairs in Sand
As you can imagine, Adirondack chairs were everywhere in the Adirondacks. Its one of their many claims to fame in that area.

I could be wrong about this but I believe there’s a hefty penalty for deploying something OTHER than an Adirondack chair out in the open. The law specifies a fine and a vague reference to being forced to view old Richard Simmon’s workout videos.


Oh, and just because I know you’re curious, the answer is no. I didn’t move any of the chairs. But yes, I would have turned one of them if they were all straight. 🙂



take your seat please!